Please ask friends and club members to spread the word and comment by May 19th.
At the NCFRW Board Meeting in Asheville, we discussed the need for all clubs to mobilize members to make brief comments against the Federal Government's proposal to insert Critical Race Theory into our schools.
If this proposal becomes part of Federal education requirements, it will be extremely difficult to remove it. We must fight it NOW!
Attached is this link to the Federal Register page where comments are made and a list of optional talking points for your use in commenting.
Please ask friends and club members to spread the word and comment by May 19th.
DEADLINE: MAY 19, 2021
We also discussed a letter-writing campaign for your local school board. I am happy to send you a Word file of 53 different letters if you wish to use them. Let me know if you want them or more information about that project.
Kindest regards,
Kay Wildt
President-Elect NCFRW