April Meeting

We meet the fourth Tuesday of the month except for July and December. These meetings are open to members and their guests at no charge.

Option to have lunch in the Starmount Dining Room after the meeting.


Connie Purvis, R.N.

Connie has worked in Occupational Health (Employee Health) and Worker’s Compensation Case Management for 33 years. Connie owns an Occupational Health consulting practice called OccuSource – helping companies comply with OSHA and Workers’ Comp Regulations.   After meeting Heidi Cruz in 2016 while on the Campaign Team for Ted Cruz , Heidi recommended Connie to the Cruz Senate office , and she is  currently an “unofficial contributor” to the Cruz Senate office efforts  on Obamacare Repeal. 


  • April 25, 2017 at 11:30am – 1pm
  • Starmount Forest Country Club
    One Sam Snead Drive
    Greensboro, NC 27410
    United States
    Google map and directions
  • Gay Dillard
