Democrat $3.5 Trillion Budget

UPDATE:  Senator Tillis stated that his constituents in the State of North Carolina “failed to see the big picture,” after he casts his vote in favor of the $1 trillion bi-partisan infrastructure bill.  News media reports that the Senate passed the $3.5 trillion budget reconciliation, Wednesday morning, August 11, 2021 along party-line votes.  Talking heads suggest the House is not expected to take up either bill until after Labor Day. 


UPDATE:  Senator Tillis stated that his constituents in the State of North Carolina “failed to see the big picture,” after he casts his vote in favor of the $1 trillion bi-partisan infrastructure bill.  News media reports that the Senate passed the $3.5 trillion budget reconciliation, Wednesday morning, August 11, 2021 along party-line votes.  Talking heads suggest the House is not expected to take up either bill until after Labor Day. 

Here is a high-level summary of the amounts budgeted for “stuff” the Democrats (and, we must now concede, some Republicans will) think are important:

  1. Agriculture Committee: $135 billion.
  2. Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs: $332 billion.
  3. Commerce: $83 billion.
  4. Energy and Natural Resources: $198 billion.
  5. Environment and Public Works: $67 billion.
  6. Finance: $1 billion for "debt reduction."
  7. Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP): $726 billion.
  8. Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs: $37 billion.
  9. Judiciary: $107 billion.
  10. Indian Affairs: $20.5 billion.
  11. Small Business: $25 billion.
  12. Veterans Affairs: $18 billion.

This budget also earmarks funds for:

  1. Immigration
  2. Universal Pre-K
  3. Climate change
  4. Housing, and a host of other things

Attached here is an August 9, 2021 Democrat statement explaining the budget items.  Please note the emphasis on green new deal items!!

We need to thank those 18 Republican Senators who voted for the bi-partisan infrastructure bill for helping to pave the way for this disaster!  Since budget bills will be passed through the reconciliation process that requires only a simply majority vote, there won’t be anyway to stop this, unless one Democrat Senator votes against it. 

When the House comes back into session, they will take up this budget monstrosity and pass it through the reconciliation process, unless several Democrats oppose it in numbers sufficient to defeat it.  Good luck with that happening!

I hope this is of value!

Demetria Carter