General Meeting 4/26/22

This RSVP means you have confirmed you are paying AT THE DOOR for the April 26 GGRWC General Meeting & Luncheon. Your reservation will be made when you sign up with your name.  Add only number of guests in the block and DO NOT include yourself. 

Speaker - Republican candidates for Guilford County Sheriff

Cost: $20 - BUFFET - 2 Chef's Choice Soups, assorted rolls, Big Salad Bar (including chicken salad and tuna salad) with assorted dressings                      

Lunch reservation deadline was Thursday, April 21. 

Reservations are not necessary if you don't plan to have lunch. If you make reservations, you are responsible to pay for lunch if you don't cancel by  Thursday, April 21.

Registration begins at 11:00 am, meeting at 11:30 am.

We look forward to seeing you at our next GGRWC General Meeting & Luncheon!

Location: Starmount Forest Country Club: 1 Sam Snead Drive, Greensboro, NC 27410

Date: April 26, 2022
Time: 11:30 am - 1:00 pm

Demetria Carter Jo Anne Ferris Rose Jay Diane Braden Ann Warrick Cheryl Humphries Martha McClure Lynne Bowman Pamela Talley Janice Wood Fran Rafanovic Linda Cooper Susan Rush Charlotte Patterson Anita Sharpe Meredith Tingen Leigh Parrish Dianne Tubaugh Pat Byrd Libby Kendrick Brenda Teague Judy Lomax Anita Holder Tina Forsberg Lisa Merritt Sharon Byerly Sheila B Cruthis Katharine Spell Kathleen Flanigan Melissa Freeman Martha Miller Shelby H. Putney Kathleen Gleeson Gloria Fichou Karen Price Ransdell Amber Baker Diana Ramos Phil Byrd