For Immediate Release
March 30, 2017
Raleigh, NC - Today Rep. Jon Hardister (R-Guilford) released the following statement regarding the passage of HB 142, which repeals S.L. 2016-3 (commonly referred to as HB2); prevents local governments from regulating multiple occupancy facilities; and places a moratorium on local ordinances related to public accommodation and employment through December 1, 2020:
HB 142 resets state law and clarifies that only the state can regulate access to multiple occupancy facilities. It protects restrooms, locker rooms and showers across the state by taking the topic off the table for local governments to consider.
This bill also prevents local governments from regulating accommodation and employment practices by placing a moratorium on such ordinances until December 1, 2020. This allows time for the legislature to study and clarify the authority of local government as it relates to private sector regulation.
The NC House passed this bill on a strong bipartisan vote of 70-48. 40 Republicans and 30 Democrats voted for the bill. This shows that there was broad bipartisan interest in resolving this issue and moving forward.
By making these changes to S.L. 2016-3, we have simplified state law, prevented local governments from over-regulating the private sector, and ensured that all citizens have a right to safety and privacy in private facilities.
For months I have maintained that HB2 was flawed and that it should be replaced with compromise legislation. That is exactly what HB 142 does. I am proud to have worked with members of both political parties to accomplish this goal.
This is in no way a surrender to economic boycotts against North Carolina. The passage of this bill is in response to an extensive amount of feedback from citizens over the last few months. After receiving extensive feedback, it became clear that changes were necessary in order to improve state law and clarify the authority of local government.
Every legislator should remain open-minded as to how state law can be improved. That is what I have done and that is what I will continue to do as a member of the NC House.
Rep. Jon Hardister
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