HR 41 Letter from GGRWC

Letter to Representative Clemmons about HR 41-to Amend Lawful Age to Marry/18 Years of Age

March 24, 2021


Dear Representative Clemmons: 


We want to thank you for sponsoring HR 41, to Amend Lawful Age to Marry/18 Years of Age. 

We are aware that North Carolina ranks 10th in the nation for human trafficking. We are hopeful that raising the minimum marriage age from 14 to 18 will take positive steps in making North Carolina less appealing to traffickers. Please keep us updated on your progress on this issue, and let us know if there are other ways we can help combat this issue in our state. 


With kind regards, 


The Greater Greensboro Women’s Republican Club (GGRWC)


Other cosponsors: 


[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]