Connie Baker is a Registered Nurse with advanced practice certifications in Occupational Health and Case Management. Connie owns a consulting practice called OccuSource, assisting businesses with OSHA and Worker’s Compensation compliance, and currently works for an Atlanta case management corporation.
She became very involved in politics in 2015, speaking around the state about Obamacare & Healthcare Reform. She has served as a healthcare consultant to the Ted Cruz Senate office in DC, and is discussing working with the Ted Budd office on these matters, as well.
She is a resident of Greensboro , grew up in High Point , attended middle and high school at Oak Ridge Military Academy, followed by Wake Forest University & Forsyth / Wake Forest Baptist School of Nursing.
Connie will be speaking to the GGRWC on March 26 regarding the life and agenda of Margaret Sanger , Founder of Planned Parenthood. Facts and quotes will be presented from Sangers’ own Autobiography, as well as books by writers sympathetic and friendly to Sanger. We will examine:
- Sangers’ background and way of life
- Sangers’ original 1921 Goals and Plans
- Sangers’ stated intent to eliminate blacks and “others who are inferior“ ( such as handicapped children)
- Sangers‘ philosophy of progressivism
- Evolution of Planned Parenthood & the organization today ( sale of body parts , total lack of regard for infant human life)
- Education And Awareness are by far our best weapons against the Sanger agenda
- March 26, 2019 at 11:30am – 1pm
Starmount Forest Country Club
1 Sam Snead Dr
Greensboro, NC 27410
United States
Google map and directions - 2 people are going
Gay Dillard