House Passes Resolution to Eliminate the Deadline for Passage of the Equal Rights Movement
“Men and women shall have equal rights throughout the United States and every place subject to its jurisdiction. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.”
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What is a filibuster?
What is a filibuster? A filibuster is essentially “any tactic used to obstruct or delay legislation” in the Senate. Most often today, the filibuster takes the form of a simple objection, as in “I object”! Bills must first be debated on the Senate floor. Ending the debate to move on to a full vote on the bill can happen in only one of two ways.
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Update on PRO Act - H.R. 842 – Protecting the Right to Organize Act
This summary updates information shared about HR2474 introduced in May 2019. That bill passed the house in February 2020 and was referred to the Senate. There was no action by the Senate.
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Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson started the F.A.C.T.S. Task Force
The following explains clearly why Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson started the F.A.C.T.S. Task Force. Everything explained in this blog post refers to teacher training in Wake County. It is naïve to believe these are isolated incidents. The trainings happen with the full approval and participation of the NC Department of Public Instruction. Wake County is the tip of the spear. These trainings are well organized and well funded. They will, unless stopped, come to every school district in NC. I encourage you to visit the sites yourself and to ask what is happening in the Guilford County Schools.
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HB 358 - Protecting Women and Girls Athletics
On Monday, March 22, 2021, Representatives Brody, McElraft, Wheatley, and Dixon introduced House Bill (HB) 358, Save Women's Sports Act
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The XXV Amendment: How much longer will President Biden be Commander in Chief?
Is America on the cusp of an announcement indicating that President Biden cannot continue to perform the duties of the presidency, and either: turning over duties of the presidency to the Vice President, or are members of his Biden’s cabinet, in conjunction with the Vice President, preparing to announce his inability to perform his official duties, with the Vice President taking over the presidency immediately?
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HR 41 Letter from GGRWC
Letter to Representative Clemmons about HR 41-to Amend Lawful Age to Marry/18 Years of Age
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Update from NCGOP
North Carolina Legislative Updates - March 22, 2021
Updates include: Election Integrity Act, Reduce Reg. To Help Children with Autism, Wounded Heroes Day, Term limits for Congress, Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act, & George Floyd Justice in Policing Act of 2021
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Update on PRO Act - H.R. 842 – Protecting the Right to Organize Act
This summary updates information shared about HR2474 introduced in May 2019. That bill passed the house in February 2020 and was referred to the Senate. There was no action by the Senate.
After not moving through 116th Congress in 2020, H. R. 842 was introduced on February 4, 2021. H.R. 842 passed the House with a vote of 225 – 206, with 5 Republicans voting in favor of the bill. The bill was received by the Senate on March 11, read twice and referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions.
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The title of H.R. 1319, “American Rescue Plan Act 2021, is inaccurate. If it weren’t so damaging to our country the “rescue” title would be almost laughable
The title of H.R. 1319, “American Rescue Plan Act 2021, is inaccurate. If it weren’t so damaging to our country the “rescue” title would be almost laughable. The bill adds $1.9 Trillion to our national debt and the out-of-control spending of the Federal Government. To put that in perspective – our Federal Government spends $1,000,000 every 20 seconds! Notice the particularly the following general observations:
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